Kibaigwa sees the light of the Gospel

During the gospel festival in Kondoa, Tanzania, in 2023, we encountered a pastor that we believe we will have a long-term cooperation with. In conjunction with this pastor, we decided to conduct a GraceLove event in late October and early November 2024 in Kibaigwa; a city about 1,5 hours’ drive eastward from Tanzania’s capital, Dodoma.

The event consisted of a 3-day Gospel campaign, a 3-day pastors’ and believer’s seminar, and a half-day of counseling sessions.

As often happens in these events, we had some drama just before the festival was about to start, as we did not get the necessary police permit to hold day 1 of the festival. (We initially planned to have a 4-day festival, but since local elections were held a few days prior to our event, we only received a permit to hold a 3-day festival.)

Although we had to cancel day 1, many came to our first festival meeting, held on Friday night. Many received Jesus and testified of healing. Especially memorable was the deliverance of a woman that came up on the stage and testified about healing from stomach ache. While on the stage, she suddenly started “manifesting” by falling to the ground and shaking. After prayer she was totally delivered from evil spirits, which she came back two nights later to testify about in our final festival meeting.

(Pictures: The crowd on day 1)

Saturday’s second festival night did not see as big of a crowd as the day before, due to a heavy rainfall in the afternoon, which prevented many from coming. The night was still a great success. Johan preached a simple message about that we all are unconditionally loved by God, that God wants to heal the sick and oppressed, that God through Jesus’ death on the cross has reconciled Kibaigwa (and the rest of the world) to Himself and that Kibaigwa’s sins therefore have been forgiven. A similar message, based on the gospel of grace and the new covenant, has probably never been preached in this city before. A woman who only had 20 percent eyesight for the past 2,5 years, was healed in her eyes so that she now could see normally. A friend of the woman, who had brought her to the meeting, joined her on the stage and verified the healing.

(Pictures: The woman in white head scarf was healed in her eyes. Her friend, who had brought her to the meeting, came up on the platform and verified the healing.)

During the third festival evening, Johan (among other things) preached about that the law was nailed to the cross (and that we are not under the law but under God’s grace), we could notice a positive chock on the face of the listeners. A pastor commented afterwards, ”Is he preaching from the same Bible as us?” Even this evening, many were saved and healed. Together with the local pastors, the whole team concluded the festival by praying for everyone who wished to have prayer for healing by the laying on of hands.

(Pictures: The festival crowd on day 3. Those lined up in front came forward to receive Jesus as their Lord and savior.)

In the pastors’ seminar, which was held during morning time parallel to the festival nights, we were helped by pastor Mark Juma fron Kenya. Mark has for many years taught and been the dean of students at a bible school in Nairobi. We do not know any other Swahili speaking preacher with a greater revelation of the Gospel of grace. It is always a pleasure to have Mark in our team. While Johan and Mark did most of the seminar teaching sessions, even Tracy held one session about prayer in the New Covenant and functioned as the MC of the seminar.

(Pictures: The seminar attendees. Tracy and Mark Juma sharing the Word.)

Directly after the final festival night, a Thanksgiving dinner was held with the local pastors that participated in the event. They witnessed about how the teaching about God’s grace and the New Covenant was totally new for them, that they realized that they must change the way the preach so that it lines up with the New Covenant. Please continue to pray for these pastors and leaders that they will continue to grow in the revelation of the New Covenant.

(Picture: Thanksgiving dinner with our team and the local organizing committee.)

On the day after the conclusion of the festival, we organized counseling sessions. Tracy led the team, which was divided into 4 different groups to facilitate that we would be able to minister to as many as possible. In this way we were able to counsel and pray for more than 30 persons. Many were touched by God.


Would you like to be part of GraceLove’s continued work? We need more financial supporters so that the Gospel of grace can be brought to more persons. Some might also want to serve practically by joining our team when we go for these gospel campaigns.


To support financially, kindly read this information.

If you are interested in joining our team in future events, contact us via

P.S. Check our Facebook-account to see more pictures from the event. Some preaching segments will also shortly be published on your YouTube channel.


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