For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. (John 3:16)
Eternal life is not something that will start when you die. You can receive eternal life here and now. When Jesus enters your life, His life is imparted unto you, and you become what the bible calls ”born again” and a ”new creature” in Him.
Jesus defined “eternal life” as knowing Him (John. 17:3) and He also said that we are “saved by His life” (Romans 5:10). The life of Jesus will save you, cleanse you, keep you and help you in every aspect of your life, and when your life on this earth is over, He will bring you to be with Him in heaven forever. Eternal life starts here and now and goes on for all eternity!
When you invite Jesus into your heart He will enter. From that moment His LIFE, help, healing, ability, strength, power and all resources you will ever need are available to you as you in faith connect with Him.
We don’t receive eternal life by our own good works. Salvation is a gift from God given to us by grace, meaning it is not based on our performance. In order to receive eternal life we need to come to the end of ourselves and reach the following conclusion: “I am not good enough in myself, I can’t save myself, I don’t trust in my own goodness anymore, I need a savior, I need Jesus”. The moment you put your trust and faith in Him, by confessing Him as Lord, He comes to you, gives you His own nature in your spirit and removes all sin and impurity from your innermost nature.
Simply by believing that Jesus Christ died for your sins 2000 years ago, and that God the Father raised Him from the dead. If you believe this in your heart and confess Jesus as Lord you will be saved/receive His eternal life. (Romans 10: 9-10)
If you want to receive Jesus in your heart, just say this prayer and mean it from the bottom of your heart:
”God, I come to you, not because of what I have done, but because of what Jesus has done for me. I cannot save myself and need a Savior. I need you Jesus. I believe that You died for my sins and that God raised You from the dead. From this day on I confess You as my Lord. Come and live in me. Help me to walk in fellowship with you always.”
Congratulations! If you sincerely said this prayer, you have now received eternal life. Some people feel very emotional when receiving Jesus, while others don’t feel anything. This is not about feelings. If you meant it and said it, it has happened! Welcome to the kingdom of God! You are now a child of God, a son and daughter of the Most High God who created heaven and earth!
Receiving Jesus is a starting point of a life in daily fellowship with God through Jesus for all eternity. God put you on earth for a reason. He has a plan for your life. By walking in fellowship with Jesus He will show you more about the great life and plan that He has for you.
In order for you to live a successful life with Jesus we recommend the following:
- Start talking to Jesus every day. Share everything with Him. He wants to fellowship with you and cares about every aspect of your life.
- Get hold of a bible and study to get to know more about the God who loves you so much that He sent his only Son to die for your sins so that you could have eternal life and fellowship with Him!
- Find and start attending a good bible-based church or fellowship of Christians so that you can be helped, strengthened and encouraged by other believers in Jesus.
If you have received Jesus by saying this prayer, please send as a message so that we know what God has done for you. If you want help in prayer we will gladly stand with you. You can write your prayer request along with your message, or click here to get more information about how you can receive prayer. What you write to us will of course be handled with confidentiality.