Report from the Asia Skype festival
Thank you so much to You who supported our Skype festival somewhere in Asia. Our local organizer sent this report a few days after the event:
”397 souls were saved. Many sat and listened from the roof tops nearby the festival place. We received 77 testimonies about healing and deliverance”.
Below are some of the testimonies:
- A person who had not been able to hear on one of his ears got his hearing back.
- A person who had severe pain in the head for 2 years was healed.
- A woman who was tormented by evil spirits for the past 7 years was healed.
- A person who had been involved in grave worshipping for the past 19 years repented.
Out of care for the people who had been touched by God, and out of concern for the local organizers, we can only show a few pictures (without faces).
Bibles were distributed to new believers after the event.
We thank God for being faithful to His word by confirming the message with signs and miracles whenever we preach the Gospel! Again – thank You for Your support!
Next Gospel festival
We are presently planning for a Gospel festival in Zambia in June 2019 in a city with a large Muslim population. Please stand with us in prayer that the preparations will go smoothly and that the needed finances will come in.
May 2019 be a year of joy, victory, and prosperity in your life!
/Johan & Tracy
P.S. If you would like to make a contribution by giving a Christmas gift to support GraceLove’s work – please click here for more information.