Dear friend,
Thank you for supporting the gospel festival in Malaba, the border city between Uganda and Kenya, last month.
The event was held in an open field in the city center, serving both as the local market place and garbage station, and with cows and other animals roaming around in the area. Despite garbage, dirt and roaming animals, it was a great privilege to stand on the stage and proclaim the good news about what Jesus has done for the world, including all people in Malaba.
Compared to the event in Malindi in August 2016, this was a smaller event, but we are grateful to God for the about 70-80 people who acknowledged that they had received Jesus as Lord during these days.
Click here,, to see pics from the event.
The Gospel is the power of God unto salvation, and Jesus confirms His gospel by healing the sick! Here are some of the testimonies from Malaba:
– A small boy who randomly used to faint and fall to the ground was delivered from demon possession. The mother came up with the boy on the stage during the first night and testified that her son now was healed. Before the festival, Tracy had a vision in which she saw a mother bringing her son, in need of deliverance, to the festival. God made this vision come to pass already on day one!
– Two middle aged women, both having difficulty to walk due to partial paralysis in one of the legs, were healed and could now walk normally.
– A pastor with severe pain in his back and in other parts of the body, was healed by sitting under the Word in both the festival and the seminar. Our thoughts go to Psalm 107:20, “He sent His word and healed them”.
– An alcoholic, who heard the Gospel while sitting in the local bar, came up on the stage and wanted to receive Jesus.
Several local pastors from different churches attended in the teaching seminar that was running parallel to the festival. After the seminar, they testified that they had been very blessed by the teaching on grace and the new covenant, and that religious burdens now had been lifted from their lives.
The day after the festival was over, we dedicated one day for counselling, since this lies strongly on Tracy’s heart. We thought we were going to spend a couple of hours in counselling sessions, but more and more people came for help. We ended up spending 8 hours, counselling more than 40 people, before we had to stop more people from coming. However, we are glad that we kept going. In one of the final counselling sessions a young teenager came and received Jesus as Lord and started speaking in new tongues! Many testified that they had been greatly helped by the wisdom God has given Tracy to speak into peoples’ lives.
Before the event started we spent a few days in Mbarara, in a house belonging to Tracy’s family. While there, we were asked to preach in two different churches, which we did; although we were supposed to have a few days of vacation. In one of these two churches the message also went out via radio reaching millions of people, according to the presiding Bishop.
You are a partaker in this harvest! Thank you for standing with us!
/Johan & Tracy