On the 18thof November we will conduct a Skype festival in Asia in close cooperation with local believers. (For security reasons we cannot write exactly where.) The campaign will be a one-day event, conducted somewhere in the countryside.
The following will happen: Our local contacts will mount a big tent where the meeting will take place. They will send out a team that will go door to door and personally invite people to the meeting. Those who express interest to come will later be picked up in buses and taken to the meeting. This will all take place “under the radar” and the event will not be advertised publicly. Our ambition is to fill up the tent, which can take about 1000 people, so that the great majority will be non-Christians, while an estimated 10-20 % or the crowd will consist of local believers.
We will be preaching via Skype from home and expect hundreds of people to be touched by the Gospel and say yes to Jesus, as well as receiving healing in their souls and bodies.
Our local contacts in the area have conducted several similar events and they are well-accustomed to managing the preparations. A Norwegian evangelist, who has conducted similar events and seen very good results – working with the same local team – shared with us and advised us to take this opportunity, since the need for the gospel is great.
Imagine what enormous possibilities modern technology offers when it comes to bringing the Gospel to the whole world. We can sit in our house in Sweden and preach to people on the other side of the globe!
Working this way has a number of advantages:
- Money that otherwise would go to flight tickets and hotel costs, can now be redirected to reach the lost.
- We don’t have to take time off from our works to go out and preach.
- It is obviously much safer to share the gospel from your own living room, that to travel to this Asian nation and preach in person.
After the conclusion of this event, we will sit down and evaluate the outcome. It is very possible that we will continue holding similar events on a regular basis, should the outcome be successful. (We will also keep travelling in person to different countries to share the Gospel in the future as opportunities arise.)
Participation in web TV program
Johan recently participated in the Lighthouse Ministry’s TV broadcast. Johan spoke on the topic, “The Gospel – the power of God”. It is a very important revelation to realize that God’s power is not far away, but present in the Gospel, the person of Jesus, and in our hearts (if we are born-again believers). You can watch this teaching by clicking here.
A final word
We are very grateful if You could stand with us in prayer for the upcoming Skype event. Right now, we need as much finances as possible to come in so that the campaign can be successful. To support gospel advancement, please click here.
Thank You for Your support!
Best regards in Christ,
Johan & Tracy